25 maig, 2014

Anna Bartra-Kaufmann (ed.)
Voice phenomenaEditorial: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions
Col·lecció: Catalan Journal of Linguistics #13Data de publicació: 2014
Pàgines: 122 Text completSpeakers’ intuitions, philosophical categories and traditional grammars have long considered some types of sentences, namely passives and middles, as the reversed or semantically synonymous mirror image of another construction type, name- ly active sentences. As soon as by Aristotle, pathos was proposed as a category that represented a way of approaching the relationship between participants in a situation or event. In the Romance tradition, grammarians tried to found equiva- lent forms for the Latin passive and middle paradigms, and considered the peri- phrastic be-Passive translations as functional and categorical equivalents. But the mismatches between meaning and formal properties, as well as the inadequacy of reproducing the categories of Latin grammar into Romance descriptions, were very soon apparent to grammarians.
The relevant question, one that can not be answered in the few lines of these introductory remarks, and which can be considered a sort of research program, is the following: is the speakers’ intuition of a semantic equivalence between active and passive sentences 4 a linguistic property to be accounted formally for or rather is it an interpretive epiphenomenon that loses its sense as soon as we decompose passive sentences in its formal components and properties? As the recent evolution of grammar shows and the papers inside this volume reflect, voice phenomena can be addressed from different perspectives, each one permitting to go a step further in our knowledge of the formal properties involved in them. The basic aim in this volume is to try to discover a little bit more about this intriguing property of lan- guages: the fact that different structures, made up with the same lexical elements but with different functional categories and formal features, express the same event.
Títols de la col·lecció / Also in this series:
25 maig, 2015

Josep Martines & Sandra Montserrat (eds.)
Semantic changeEditorial: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions
Col·lecció: Catalan Journal of Linguistics #14Data de publicació: 2015
Pàgines: 237 Text completThe main topic of this issue of Catalan Journal of Linguistics, semantic change, is probably one of the areas of linguistic research gaining more prominence over the last years. This fact is possibly due to two circumstances. a) On the one hand, to the development of the meaning-oriented and usage-based approaches to lan- guage, which take place mainly (although not exclusively) within the theoretical framework of Cognitive Linguistics and Pragmatics. And, b) on the other, to the development of text corpora (representing both Old and Contemporary language in written or oral form), driven by the necessity to approach the communicative language usage.
The present issue of Catalan Journal of Linguistics gathers contributions on the main topics related to contemporary semantics: a) polysemy, polysemysation, synonymy, semantic and lexical lectal variation; b) metaphor and metonymy, subjectivation and intersubjectivation as mechanisms and factors of semantic change, respec- tively; c) pragmatic inference as a true trigger of semantic change; d) emergence, understanding, spreading and semantization of new meanings; e) grammaticalization, phraseologization and constructionalization as semantic changes; and, finally, f) inner (paradigmatic relations) and outer conditions (pragmatic, sociolinguistic and cultural factors) of semantic change. Grammaticalization, the Invited Inference Theory of Semantic Change (IITSC), Prototypicality Effects, pragmatic enrichment, the Theory of Conceptual Blending and image schemas constitute the theoreti- cal background of these ten papers, where concrete cases of semantic change in Catalan, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese are analysed.
Títols de la col·lecció / Also in this series:
6 febrer, 2016

Eulàlia Bonet & Francesc Torres-Tamarit (eds.)
Exceptions in PhonologyEditorial: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions
Col·lecció: Catalan Journal of Linguistics #15Data de publicació: 2016
Pàgines: 171 Text completThe origin of this volume is the Workshop on Exceptionality in Phonology, which was held at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona the 27 of January 2015 as part of the 12th Old World Conference in Phonology, and which featured Kie Zuraw (UCLA) as keynote speaker. From the seven talks that were presented at the Workshop, six appear in this volume, and one more paper that was not presented at the Workshop has also been included. The papers presented in this monographic volume are not meant to cover the totality of theoretical approaches and research activities on the topic at hand, which is certainly a very broad topic, but to present up-to-date work by leading phonologists on a topic that is a long-debated problem for phonological theory.
Títols de la col·lecció / Also in this series:
6 febrer, 2017

Mateu, Jaume & Renato Oniga (eds.)
Generative Approaches to Latin SyntaxEditorial: Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB
Col·lecció: Catalan Journal of Linguistics #16Data de publicació: 2017
Pàgines: 216 Text completFifty years have passed since the first attempt to apply generative grammar methods to Latin syntax. The well-known book by Robin Tolmach Lakoff, published in 1968 by the MIT Press with the title of Abstract Syntax and Latin Complementation, was presented as a dissertation in linguistics at Harvard University in 1967, with the title of Studies in the Transformational Grammar of Latin. The Complement System. In order to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary, we thought it was appropriate to publish a collection of papers written by some distinguished specialists who approach the study of Latin syntax from a generative perspective. Their works show the important research that is being currently carried out in this active field. In this introduction, we would like to briefly trace the development of this research area, trying to emphasize elements of continuity, changes, results, and problems. Although generative grammar has provided very important contributions to phonology and morphology as well, it is nonetheless clear that, from the very beginning, its theoretical focus has been on syntax.
Títols de la col·lecció / Also in this series: