Evripidis Tsiakmakis, Joan Borràs-Comes, M.Teresa EspinalTítol:
The interpretation of plural mass nouns in Greek, Journal of Pragmatics 181Editorial: Elsevier
Data de publicació: Agost 2021
Més informació
This paper focuses on the interpretation of what has been considered an expletive marker in the grammar of the Greek nominal domain: the plural number of mass nouns. We present the results of an experimental investigation on the interpretation of plural mass nouns by native speakers of this language, and we propose a speech act analysis according to which at the time of producing utterances that contain plural mass nouns the speaker performs two speech acts: an assertion and an expressive speech act by which (s)he publicly commits to an emotive stance of dislike towards the expressed proposition φ. This stance is analyzed as an emotive judgment with respect to φ, the expression of which directly transfers the speaker's emotion from the conversation into the speaker and addressee's common ground.