Trotzke & Villalba (2020). Exclamatives as responses at the syntax-pragmatics interface


Andreas Trotzke & Xavier Villalba


Exclamatives as responses at the syntax-pragmatics interface

Editorial: Journal of Pragmatics, 168 (pp. 139–171)
Data de publicació: Octubre del 2020

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In this paper, we explore exclamatives when used as responses in a discourse. Our proposal is based on the following pragmatic observation: so-called that-exclamatives in both Germanic and Romance languages are preferred as responses to polar questions, while wh-exclamatives are restricted to a response use in non-polar contexts. We establish this data pattern empirically by means of two judgment studies, and we then provide a detailed theoretical account for these challenging new data points. In particular, we show that the differences between the response uses of wh-exclamatives and that-exclamatives can be explained on syntactic grounds, analogous to ‘the syntax of answers’ proposed in recent syntactic work by Holmberg (2013, 2015) at the syntax-pragmatics interface. In sum, we provide a pragmatically more refined view on exclamatives and their use in a discourse, suggesting new empirical distinctions at the syntax-pragmatics interface.

Brunetti, Mayol & Villalba (2020). Bridging Strength, Monotonicity, and Word Order Choices in Catalan


Lisa Brunetti, Laia Mayol & Xavier Villalba


Bridging Strength, Monotonicity, and Word Order Choices in Catalan

Editorial: Discourse Processes
Data de publicació: Juny de 2020

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Three experimental studies are presented testing the choice of a left or a right dislocation in Catalan, depending on the bridging relation between the dislocate and its antecedent. We make the hypothesis that the stronger the anaphoric link between the dislocate and its antecedent, the more appropriate a right dislocation is, whereas the opposite is true for left dislocation. The results of two acceptability judgment experiments partially support our hypothesis: Ratings with right dislocation decrease proportionally to the strength of the anaphoric link; however, it is ratings of canonical sentences (without dislocation at all), rather than of left dislocation, that display the opposite direction. For left dislocation, the picture is more complex and reflects the pragmatic function of this construction as a topic shifter or marker of contrast. A third experiment tests the monotonicity hypothesis, according to which a left dislocation is chosen when the anaphoric relation with the antecedent is either downward monotonic or nonmonotonic, whereas a right dislocation is preferred with an upward monotonic relation. The results partially support such a hypothesis but also further support the importance of taking the pragmatic function of left dislocation into account to explain its choice in discourse by speakers.

Argenter & Lüdtke (2020). Manual of Catalan Linguistics


Gemma Rigau / Xavier Villalba / Jaume Mateu (entre d'altres)


Manual of Catalan Linguistics

Editorial: De Gruyter
Data de publicació: Juny de 2020

Més informació

This manual is intended to fill a gap in the area of Romance studies. There is no introduction available so far that broadly covers the field of Catalan linguistics, neither in Catalan nor in any other language. The work deals with the language spoken in Catalonia and Andorra, the Balearic Islands, the region of Valencia, Northern Catalonia and the town of l'Alguer in Sardinia. Besides introducing the ideologies of language and nation and the history of Catalan linguistics, the manual is divided into separate parts embracing the description – grammar, lexicon, variation and varieties – and the history of the language since the early medieval period to the present day. It also covers its current social and political situation in the new local and global contexts. The main emphasis is placed on modern Catalan.
The manual is designed as a companion for students of Catalan, while also introducing specialists of other languages into this field, in particular scholars of Romance languages.

El orden de palabras en contraste


Xavier Villalba


El orden de palabras en contraste

Editorial: Editorial Arco Libros
Data de publicació: 2019
Pàgines: 92

Con contadas excepciones, la tradición gramatical ha desterrado el orden de palabras del ámbito de estudio de la gramática y lo ha confinado al campo de la estilística. No obstante, como nos muestran los avances de la lingüística de las últimas décadas, en las lenguas como el español el orden de palabras es fundamental en la codificación tanto de aspectos gramaticales (por ejemplo, la naturaleza interrogativa de ciertas frases) como informativos (por ejemplo, el elemento sobre el que se articula la información en el contexto). A pesar de ello, casi no existen trabajos introductorios sobre este tema que aúnen la perspectiva gramatical y la informativa. En El orden de palabras en contraste se describen las propiedades básicas del orden de palabras, haciendo hincapié en las construcciones más comunes para poder ofrecer al lector una síntesis de los conceptos clave y de los avances teóricos actuales sobre el orden de palabras del español desde una perspectiva comparada, es decir, alternando la descripción detallada del español con numerosos ejemplos de lenguas de todo el mundo, para poder apreciar así los puntos de contacto y las diferencias. Se ofrece, asimismo, una bibliografía comentada con los títulos más importantes y numerosas sugerencias de actividades para reflexionar sobre los conceptos expuestos o trabajarlos en el aula. Por todo ello, este libro será de gran utilidad para alumnos universitarios, profesores de enseñanza media y de enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera, traductores y, en general, para cualquier persona interesada en la lingüística comparada del orden de palabras.

Villalba (2019). Infinitive Wh-Relatives in Romance…


Xavier Villalba


Infinitive Wh-Relatives in Romance: Consequences for the Truncation-versus-Intervention Debate

Editorial: Syntax, vol.22:2–3 \\ Double Special Issue: Information Structure, Argument Structure, and Their Interfaces
Data de publicació: Agost de 2019

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Romance clitic left dislocation is widespread across all kinds of nonroot contexts, but it is forbidden in infinitive wh-relatives. This article investigates the extent and nature of this restriction and the consequences it raises for the truncation and intervention analyses of the left periphery of embedded sentences. We will show that current proposals cannot account for the whole gamut of data. In consequence, we will propose that infinitive wh-relatives display a maximally syncretic left periphery, whereas infinitive wh-interrogatives have a full-fledged left periphery, crucially involving ForceP, because they are selected by a higher predicate. This crucial difference between infinitive relatives and interrogatives will also be shown to be consistent with the existence of specialized complementizers for the former but not the latter.