

Professors – investigadors

Becaris i doctorands

Sergio Balari


Departament de Filologia Catalana
Despatx B0/042
Facultat de Lletres
Edifici B
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)


+34 93 586 80 72


+34 93 581 27 82

Correu electrònic

Pàgina web

Publicacions destacades / Featured Publications

Línies d’investigació / Research interests

Biolingüística: Bases biològiques del llenguatge | Biologia evolutiva del desenvolupament (Evo-Devo) | Filogènia de la Facultat del Llenguatge | Evolució dels processos de desenvolupament del sistema nerviós dels amniotes i de la seva repercussió en l’evolució de les seves capacitats cognitives | Filosofia de la biologia

Biolinguistics: Biological bases of language | Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Evo-Devo) | Phylogeny of the Faculty of Language | Evolution of developmental processes in the nervous system of amniotes and its repercussion on the evolution of their cognitive abilities | Philosophy of biology

Publicacions recents / Recent publications

Balari, Sergio & Guillermo Lorenzo. 2021. Evo-Devo of language and cognition. In L. Nuño de la Rosa & Gerd B. Müller, eds. Evolutionary Developmental Biology. A Reference Guide (pp. 1221-1233). Cham: Springer Nature. 

Balari, Sergio (ed.) 2021. XI: Extensions of Evo-Devo. In L. Nuño de la Rosa & Gerd B. Müller, eds. Evolutionary Developmental Biology. A Reference Guide (pp. 1221-1233). Cham: Springer Nature. 

Balari, Sergio; Lorenzo, Guillermo. 2019. Realization in biology? HPLS (2019), 41:5.

Balari, Sergio; Benítez-Burraco, Antonio; Camps, Marta; Longa, Víctor M.; Lorenzo, Guillermo. 2018. My head’s in knots: On Uriagereka’s Generalization and the knot-sentence connection. In A.J. Gallego & R. Martin, eds. Language, Syntax, and the Natural Sciences. pp. 269 – 294. Cambridge University Press.

Balari, Sergio; Lorenzo, Guillermo. 2018. Complex ideas: Fodor’s Hume revisited. Biolinguistics 12: 1-13.

Balari, Sergio; Lorenzo, Guillermo. 2018. The internal, the external and the hybrid: The state of the art and a new characterization of language as a natural object. Glossa: A journal of general linguistics 3(1): 22. 1–33, DOI:

Balari, Sergio. 2017. Pensamiento homológico y especificidad biológica del lenguaje. In A.J. Gallego, Y. Rodríguez & J. Fernández-Sánchez, eds. Relaciones sintácticas. Homenaje a José M. Brucart y M. Lluïsa Hernanz. pp. 63 – 82. Departament de Filologia Espanyola, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Balari, Sergio; Lorenzo, Guillermo. 2017. What Lenneberg got right: A homological program for the study of language evolution. Biolinguistics 11(Special Issue): 139-169.

Balari, Sergio; Lorenzo, Guillermo. 2016. Evo-devo of language and cognition. In L. Nuño de la Rosa & G.B. Müller, eds. Evolutionary Developmental Biology: A Reference Guide. Springer International Publishing. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-33038-9_43-1.

Balari, Sergio. 2016. Ressenya de Complèxica. Cervell, societat i llengua des de la transdisciplinarietat. Llengua & Literatura 26: 131-247.

Balari, Sergio. 2016. ¡Una lanza por Lamarck! El retorno de los caracteres adquiridos. Investigación y Ciencia 482 (Novembre).

Balari, Sergio; Lorenzo, Guillermo. 2015. Ahistorical homology and multiple realizability. Philosophical Psychology. 28. p. 881 – 902.

Balari, Sergio; Lorenzo, Guillermo. 2015. It is an organ, it is new, but it is not a new organ. Conceptualizing language from a homological perspective. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 3.

Balari, Sergio; Lorenzo, Guillermo. 2015. Should it Stay or Should it Go? A Critical Reflection on the Critical Period for Language. Biolinguistics. 9. p. 8 – 42.

Balari, Sergio; Lorenzo, Guillermo. 2015. The end of development. Biological Theory. 10. p. 60 – 72.

Balari, Sergio; Lorenzo, Guillermo. 2014. From Wallace’s problem to Owen’s solution. Review of More than nature Needs by Derek Bickerton. Biolinguistics. 8. p. 108 – 119

Richard Owen i la concepció materialista de la ment. UAB Divulga, Juliol 2014.

The end of developmentBiological Theory. [amb Lorenzo, G.] DOI: 10.1007/s13752-014-0180-0.

Teoría de lenguajes formales. Una introducción para lingüistas. UAB.

Richard Owen on the Mind/Body Problem. [amb Lorenzo, G.] Theoretical Biology Forum 106(1-2): 131-146.

The fossils of language: What are they, who has them, how did they evolve?. [amb Benítez-Burraco, A., Longa, V. M. & Lorenzo, G.] In: The Cambridge Handbook of Biolinguistics (C. Boeckx and K. K. Grohmann, eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 429-523.

Computational Phenotypes. Towards an Evolutionary Developmental Biolinguistics.[amb Lorenzo. G.] Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Knots, Language and Computation: A Bizarre Love Triangle? Replies to Objections [amb A. Benítez-Burraco, M. Camps, V. M. Longa i G. Lorenzo]. Biolinguistics 6(1): 79-111.

On the feasability of biolinguistics: Koster’s word-based challenge and our ‘natural computation’ alternative. [amb C. Boeckx i G. Lorenzo]Biolinguistics 6(2): 205-221.

Up the cudgels for Lenneberg!. In C. Boeckx, M. C. Horno & J. L. Mendívil, eds. Language, from a Biological Point of View: Current Issues in Biolinguistics. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 208-214.

The Archaeological Record Speaks: Bridging Anthropology and Linguistics. [amb A., Benítez-Burraco, M. Camps, V.M Longa, G. Lorenzo & J. Uriagereka] .
International Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Special Issue: Key Evolutionary Transformations in Homo sapiens), volume 2011, Article ID 382679, 17 pages (doi:10.4061/2011/382679).

La importancia de ser moderno. Problemas de método e ideología en el debate sobre la cognición y la conducta de los Neandertales.
[amb Benítez-Burraco, A., Camps, M., Longa, V. M. & G. Lorenzo]. Ludus Vitalis. Revista de Filosofía de las Ciencias de la Vida XVIII/34, pp. 143-170.

Communication. Where evolutionary linguistics went wrong. [amb G. Lorenzo], Biological Theory 5(3), pp. 228-239.

¿Para qué sirve un ballestrinque? Reflexiones sobre el funcionamiento de artefactos y organismos en un mundo sin funciones. [amb G. Lorenzo]. Teorema. Revista Internacional de Filosofía 29/1: 57-76.

La biología evo-devo, el desarrollo del cerebro y la evolución del lenguaje. [amb G. Lorenzo] Ludus Vitalis, Revista de Filosofía de las Ciencias de la Vida XVIII/33.

Specters of Marx. A review of Adam’s tongue by Derek Bickerton.
[amb G. Lorenzo] . Biolinguistics 4(1), pp. 115-126.

Incidental biology. A reply to Derek Bickerton’s respons.
[amb G. Lorenzo]. Biolinguistics 4(1), pp. 132-136.

Computational Phenotypes: Where the Theory of Computation Meets Evo-Devo [amb Guillermo Lorenzo]
Biolinguistics 3(1): 2–60

Comunicacions / Comunications

Language as a developmental hybrid. Exploring the consequences for plasticity (with Guillermo Lorenzo). Workshop on Evolving Plasticity in Natural and Artificial Systems. Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung, Bielefeld, 5-7 September 2016.

El Centre de Lingüística Teòrica (CLT) té per objectiu l’estudi del llenguatge i de les llengües naturals des d’una perspectiva teòrica i experimental.


Centre de Lingüística Teòrica
Edifici B, Campus UAB
08193 Bellaterra (Spain)

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