Andreas Trotzke – Discourse particles in second language acquisition

Andreas Trotzke – Discourse particles in second language acquisition

Seminari del CLT

Discourse particles in second language acquisition
ANDREAS TROTZKE (UAB & Universität Konstanz)

Divendres, 11 d’octubre de 2019
Sala d’Actes Frederic Udina, 15:30

Properties at the syntax-discourse interface are notoriously difficult in SLA (e.g., Sorace 2011). Here, I investigate the acquisition of German discourse particles in L2 German. My goals are twofold: (i) I propose that the study of particles can provide new insights into SLA research because these elements allow us to tease apart problems within syntax as compared to the lexicon-discourse interface; (ii) I investigate why particles are difficult for L2ers.

Andreas Trotzke s'incorpora al CLT

Andreas Trotzke s'incorpora al CLT

Incorporacions d’investigadors postdoctorals al CLT

Aquest mes d’abril s’incorporen al nostre centre dos investigadors postdoctorals amb contractes Beatriu de Pinós.

El doctor Andreas Trotzke, provinent de la Universität Konstanz, treballarà en “Functional categories and expressive meaning: Theoretical and empirical perspectives” amb el Dr. Xavier Villalba.