MembersProfessors – investigadors
Becaris i doctorands
Xavier Villalba
Departament de Filologia Catalana
Despatx B9/0026
Facultat de Lletres
Edifici B
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
+34 93 581 49 11
+34 93 581 27 82
Publicacions destacades / Featured Publications
Línies d’investigació / Research interests
Sintaxi del català | Interfícies sintaxi / semàntica i semàntica / pragmàtica
Publicacions recents / Recent publications
Villalba, X. (2024). Els adjectius expressius del català. Catalonia, 35.
Espinal, M.T., C. Real-Puigdollers & X. Villalba (2024). From a movement verb to an epistemic discourse marker. The diachronic change of Spanish vaya. Linguistic Variation, 24(1), p. 1–36.
Villalba, X. (2024). Exclamatives: An overview. In: Guesser, S., Marchesan, A. and Medeiros Junior, P. ed. Wh-exclamatives, Imperatives and Wh-questions: Issues on Brazilian Portuguese. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 23-52.
Villalba, X. (2024). Expressive commitments: A normative approach to exclamations. International Review of Pragmatics, 16(1), 87-109.
Villalba, X. (2024). Romance exclamative markers at the syntax-pragmatics interface: A compositional approach to exclamativity, Journal of Pragmatics 226, p. 64-77.
Villalba, X. (2022). The Functional Structure of Infinitive Relatives in Romance. Consequences for the Cartographic Approach. Annali Di Ca’ Foscari. Serie Occidentale no. 56.
Espinal, M.T., C. Real-Puigdollers & X. Villalba. (2022). From a movement verb to an epistemic discourse marker. The diachronic change of Spanish vaya. Linguistic Variation (online first). DOI:
Trotzke, A., & Villalba, X. (2021). Expressive insubordination. In A. Trotzke & X. Villalba (Eds.), Expressive Meaning Across Linguistic Levels and Frameworks (pp. 108–120). Oxford University Press.
Trotzke, A., & Villalba, X. (eds.) (2021). Expressive Meaning Across Linguistic Levels and Frameworks. Oxford University Press.
Villalba, X. (2021). La estructura informativa. En la interfaz entre la sintaxis y la semántica. In M. Leonetti & M. V. Escandell-Vidal (Eds.), La estructura informativa (pp. 185–216). Visor.
Trotzke, A., & Villalba, X. (2020). Exclamatives as responses at the syntax-pragmatics interface. Journal of Pragmatics, 168, 139–171.
Brunetti, L., Mayol, L., & Villalba, X. (2020). Bridging Strength, Monotonicity, and Word Order Choices in Catalan. Discourse Processes, 57(8), 703–724.
Villalba, X., & Planas-Morales, S. (2020). Complementantes preposicionales en las relativas de infinitivo. Revista Española de Lingüística, 2(50), 83–106.
Villalba, X. (2020). Scoping in degree exclamative sentences. In S. Sessarego & M. González-Rivera (Eds.), Interface-Driven Phenomena in Spanish (pp. 131–144). Routledge.
Feldhausen, I., & Villalba, X. (2020). 5.4 Modality and Information Structure: Focus, Dislocation, Interrogative and Exclamatory Sentences. In J. A. Argenter & J. Lüdtke (Eds.), Manual of Catalan Linguistics (pp. 247–270). De Gruyter.
El orden de palabras en contraste. Madrid: Arco/Libros.
“Infinitive Wh-Relatives in Romance: Consequences for the Truncation-versus-Intervention Debate”. Syntax, vol.22 (2-3), pp. 303–335.
“La partición foco-trasfondo en las oraciones interrogativas del catalán y del español: estudio de corpus” (amb S. Planas-Morales). Normas 8(1), 43.
“Bridging and dislocation in Catalan” [amb L. Mayol]. In Francisco Ordóñez & L. Repetti, eds. Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 14. Selected papers from the 46th Linguistics Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Stony Brook, NY. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 199–211.
“Els pronoms forts en les oracions existencials del català”. Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia, 65/tardor, pp. 69-94.
Exclamatives, imperatives, optatives. In A. Dufter & E. Stark (Eds.), Manual of Romance Morphosyntax and Syntax. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 603–646.
Non-asserted material in Spanish degree exclamatives: An experimental study on extreme degree. In I. Bosque (Ed.), Advances in the analysis of Spanish exclamatives (pp. 139–158). Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press.
Interfaces and domains of quantification by Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach (review). Language, 92(1), 219–222. doi:10.1353/lan.2016.0017
L’evolució de les oracions exclamatives-qu de grau en català. Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia, 60, 211–226. doi:10.7203/caplletra.60.8454
Definiteness effect, pronouns and Information Structure in Catalan existentials. In S. Fischer, T. Kupisch, & E. Rinke (Eds.), Definiteness effects: Bilingual, typological and diachronic variation (pp. 172–209). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publisher.
Interacció sintàctica i entonativa a les interrogatives catalanes amb dislocació a la dreta [amb S. Planas-Morales]. In A. M. Fernández (Ed.), 53 reflexiones sobre aspectos de la fonética y otros temas de lingüística (pp. 311–319). Barcelona: Laboratori de Fonètica de la Universitat de Barcelona
Oraciones exclamativas. In J. Gutiérrez-Rexach, ed. Enciclopedia Lingüística Hispánica. London: Routledge, pp. 737–749.
Ambiguity resolution and information structure [amb M.T. Espinal]. The Linguistic Review, 32(1): 667–692. doi:10.1515/tlr-2014-0015
Microinformática. Modelos de variación informativa microparamétrica. In A. Gordejuela Senosiáin et al., eds. Lenguas, lenguaje y lingüística. Contribuciones desde la Lingüística General. Pamplona: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, pp. 507–516.
Right-dislocation in Catalan: Tails, Polarity and Activation. [amb L. Mayol] International Review of Pragmatics, 5(1), 87–117.
Eventualities under deadjectival nominalizations. Borealis, 2(2), 241-259.
The Right Periphery of Interrogatives in Catalan and Spanish: Syntax/Prosody Interactions. [amb Planas-Morales, S.] Catalan Journal of Linguistics 12, 193-217.
Eventive existentials in Catalan and the topic-focus articulation. Italian Journal of Linguistics/Rivista di Linguistica, 25(1), 147-173.
A quantitative comparative study of right-dislocation in Catalan and Spanish. Journal of Pragmatics.
Las nominalizaciones deadjetivales con lo y las cualidades. In: M. Victoria Escandell, Manuel Leonetti and Cristina Sánchez López. eds. 60 problemas de gramática. Madrid: Akal. 90-98.
The HISPACAT comparative database of syntactic constructions and its applications to syntactic variation research. Oslo Studies in Language 3(2): 129-145.
El orden de las palabras en español. Madrid: Castalia.
Predicate focus fronting in the Spanish determiner phrase [amb Anna Bartra-Kauffman]. Lingua 120.4: 819-849.
The Syntax and Semantics of Dislocations in Catalan.
Köln: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Definite Adjective Nominalizations in Spanish. Dins: M.T. Espinal, M. Leonetti & L. McNally (eds.), Proceedings of the IV Nereus International Workshop “Definiteness and DP Structure in Romance Languages”. Arbeitspapier 124. Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Konstanz, 139-153.
El Centre de Lingüística Teòrica (CLT) té per objectiu l’estudi del llenguatge i de les llengües naturals des d’una perspectiva teòrica i experimental.
Centre de Lingüística Teòrica
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