

Professors – investigadors

Becaris i doctorands

Línies d’investigació / Research interests

Sintaxi, negació, anglès, varietats de l’anglès, llengües romàniques

Publicacions recents / Recent publications

Espinal, M.T., E. Puig-Mayenco, U. Etxeberria & S. Tubau (2023). On the status of NCIs. An experimental investigation on so-called Strict NC languages. Journal of Linguistics, 1-41. DOI: 

Tubau, S., U. Etxeberria & M.T. Espinal (2023). A new approach to Negative Concord: Catalan as the case in point. Journal of Linguistics, 1-33. DOI:

Pladevall-Ballester, Elisabet, Puig-Mayenco, Eloi, Tubau, Susagna & Capdevila-Batet, Montserrat. 2022. Asymmetries in Child Foreign Language Acquisition: Production and Interpretation of L2 English Subjects. Revista RaeL (Revistælectrónica de Lingüística Aplicada) 21(1): 40-57.

Tubau, S. 2022. On the behavior of the English negative quantifier no in sentential negation tests. Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies, 44, 1, p. 208-232. 

Puig-Mayenco, Eloi, Rothman, Jason & Susagna Tubau. 2022. Language dominance in the previously acquired languages modulates rate of third Language (L3) development over time: a longitudinal study. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 25(5): 1641-1664.

Etxeberria, U., Tubau, S., Borràs-Comes, J. and M.T. Espinal. 2021. Polarity items in Basque. Experimental evidence for their existential reading. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory.

Puig-Mayenco, E., Rothman, J., and S. Tubau. 2020. Language dominance in the previously acquired languages modulates the rate of third language (L3) development over time: A longitudinal study. International Journal of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education.

Tubau, S. 2020. The asymmetric behavior of English negative quantifiers in negative sentences. Journal of Linguistics 56(4): 775-806.

Tubau, S. 2020. Maximizers and minimizers as different types of polarity items. The Oxford Handbook of Negation. Dins M.T. Espinal i V. Déprez (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 407-425.

Ingham, R. i S. Tubau. 2020. The diachronic syntax of negated adjuncts in English. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 38(2): 477-497.

Espinal, M.T. i S. Tubau. 2019. Response systems: the syntax and semantics of fragment answers and response particles. Annual Review of Linguistics 5: 261-287.

Puig-Mayenco, E., Cunnings, I., Bayram, F., Miller, D., S. Tubau i J. Rothman. 2018. Language Dominance Affects Early Bilingual Competence and Processing: Evidence from a Bidirectional Study of Unbalanced Catalan/Spanish Bilinguals. Frontiers in Psychology, volume 9, Article 1199.

Etxeberria, U., Tubau, S., Déprez, V., Borràs-Comes, J. i M. T. Espinal. 2018. Relating (un)acceptability to interpretation. Experimental investigations on negation. Frontiers in Psychology, volume 8, article 2370.

Tubau, S., Déprez, V., Borràs-Comes, J. i M. T. Espinal. 2018. How speakers interpret the negative markers no and no…pas in Catalan. Probus, International Journal of Romance Linguistics 30(1): 121-167.

Espinal, M. T. i S. Tubau. 2016b. Meaning of words, meaning of sentences. Building the meaning of n-words. Dins S. Fischer i C. Gabriel (eds.). Manual of grammatical interfaces in Romance. Berlin: De Gruyter, 187-212.

Tubau, S. 2016b. Lexical variation and Negative Concord in Traditional Dialects of British English. The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 19(2): 143-177.

Espinal, M.T. i S. Tubau. 2016a. Interpreting argumental n-words as answers to negative wh-questions. Lingua 177: 41-59.

Espinal, M. T., Tubau, S., Borràs-Comes, J. i P. Prieto. 2016. Double Negation in Catalan and Spanish. Interaction between Syntax and Prosody. Dins P. Larrivée i C. Lee (eds.), Negation and polarity: experimental perspectives. Berlin: Springer, 143-174.

Tubau, S. 2016a. On the syntax of English minimizers. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 34(2): 739-760.

Tubau, S. 2015. ‘Neither’, ‘(n)or nothing’ and ‘hardly’ in Negative Concord constructions in Traditional Dialects of British English. Sintagma. Revista de Lingüística, 27: 7-24.

Déprez, V., Tubau, S., Cheylus, A. i M. T. Espinal. 2015. Double Negation in a Negative Concord Language: An Experimental Investigation. Lingua 163: 75-107.

González-Fuente, S., Tubau, S., Espinal, M. T. i P. Prieto. 2015. Is there a universal answering strategy for rejecting propositions? Typological evidence on the use of prosody and gesture. Frontiers in Psychology, volume 6, article 899.

Tubau, S. i R. Ingham. 2015. Some historical notes on English negation: unethes, almost and hardly. Dins F. Toupin and B. Lowrey (eds.). Studies in Linguistic Variation and Change: from Old to Middle English. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 215-226.

Tubau, S., González-Fuente, S., Espinal, M.T i P. Prieto. 2015. Prosody and gesture in the interpretation of yes-answers to negative yes/no-questions. The Linguistic Review, 32(1): 115-142.

Tubau, S. 2014. The syntax of the pragmatic particle innit. Atlantis, 36(2): 53-72.

Llinàs-Grau, M. i S. Tubau. 2013. That-insertion in colloquial English restrictive relative clauses. Dins D. García Velasco, S. González, F. Martín Miguel, A. Ojea i R. Pérez Lorido (eds.). A Life in Language. Estudios Homenaje al Prof. José Luis González Escribano. Oviedo: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 257-264.

Prieto, P., Borràs-Comes, J., Tubau, S. i M. T. Espinal. 2013. Prosody and gesture constrain the interpretation of double negation. Lingua, 131: 136-150.

Tubau, S. i M. T. Espinal. 2012. Doble negació dins l’oració simple en català. Estudis Romànics, 34: 145-164.

Tubau, S. 2009. OV Sequences in Child Catalan and English. Dins E.O. Aboh, E. van der Linden, J. Quer i P. Sleeman (eds). Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory. Selected Papers from ‘Going Romance’. Amsterdam 2007, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 267-285.

Tubau, S. 2008. Negative Concord in English and Romance: Syntax-morphology interface conditions on the expression of negation. Utrecht: LOT. (Tesi doctoral)

Llinàs-Grau, M. i S. Tubau. 2005. Reflections on the early schwa and Minimalism. Dins A. Garrudo Carabias i J. Comesaña (eds.). Estudios de Filología Inglesa en honor de Antonio Garnica. Sevilla: Secretariado de Publicaciones. Universidad de Sevilla, 291-302.

Tubau, S. 2004. OV Sequences in early Catalan: evidence for the Poverty of Stimulus argument. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics, 16: 149-163.

El Centre de Lingüística Teòrica (CLT) té per objectiu l’estudi del llenguatge i de les llengües naturals des d’una perspectiva teòrica i experimental.


Centre de Lingüística Teòrica
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08193 Bellaterra (Spain)

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