MembersProfessors – investigadors
Becaris i doctorands
Línies d’investigació / Research interests
Adquisició del llenguatge | Sintaxi | Variació lingüística | Psicolingüística i cognició
Language acquisition | syntax | linguistic variation | Psycholinguistics and cognition
Publicacions recents / Recent publications
Zhu, Jingtao, Franck, Julie, Rizzi, Luigi, & Gavarró, Anna. 2021. Do infants have abstract grammatical knowledge of word order at 17 months? Evidence from Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Child Language, First view, 1-20.
Zhu, Jingtao & Gavarró, Anna. 2019. Testing language acquisition models: Null and overt topics in Mandarin. Journal of Child Language 46, 707-732. [access]
Comunicacions / Presentations
Gavarró, A., & Zhu, J.T. (2021). Testing the variational model: Null subjects and null objects in L1 Chinese. Null objects from a crosslinguistic and developmental perspective. Universidade do Minho. Jan. 29th-30th.
Zhu, J.T. & Gavarró, A. (2019). New evidence for very early parameter setting. 14th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition Conference (GALA-14). Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca. Sep. 12th-14th.
Zhu, J.T. & Gavarró, A. (2019). No delay in the comprehension of non-canonical word orders with the ba construction at 17 months: An eye-tracking study. 27th Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Kobe, Japan. May. 10th-12th.
Zhu, J.T. & Gavarró, A. (2019). Eye-tracking evidence for the acquisition of topic by 17-month-old infants. International Workshop on the L1 and L2 Acquisition of Information Structure. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. Apr. 25th-26th.
Zhu, J.T. & Gavarró, A. (2019). Does an AGENT-first bias guide sentence comprehension? Evidence from eye-tracking. Neuroscience of Language Conference. New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Apr. 22th-23th.Zhu, J.T. & Gavarró, A. (2018). Word order in Mandarin 17-month-olds: An eye-tracking study. 8th International Conference on Formal Linguistics. Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Nov. 23th-25th.
Gavarró, A. & Zhu, J.T. (2018). Very early comprehension of Word order in Mandarin. 10th International Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics. Università degli Studi di Milano and Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca. Sep. 28th-29th.
Zhu, J.T. & Gavarró, A. (2018). Very early comprehension of word order: Evidence from Mandarin. Crossing the Borders Conference: Development of language, cognition and the brain. University of Potsdam, Germany. Sep. 27th-29th.
Gavarró, A. & Zhu, J.T. (2018). Abstract knowledge of Mandarin syntactic word order by 17 months. 2018 Edition of the Child Language Symposium. University of Reading, Reading, UK. Jun. 25th- 26th.
Gavarró, A. & Zhu, J.T. (2018). Early comprehension of word order: Evidence from Mandarin. 28th Colloquium on Generative Grammar. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona. May. 30th – Jun. 1st.
Zhu, J.T. & Gavarró. A. (2018). The setting of the Null Topic parameter in Mandarin-speaking children. 30th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. The Ohio State University, Ohio. Mar. 9th-11th.
Zhu, J.T. & Gavarró, A. (2017). The acquisition of null subjects and null objects in L1 Chinese. II International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milan. Dec. 14th-16th.
Zhu, J.T. & Gavarró, A. (2016). A study of the acquisition of null objects and the ba construction in Mandarin. VII International Conference on Formal Linguistics. Nankai University, Tianjin, China. Dec. 2nd-4th.
Pòsters / Posters
Zhu, J.T. & Gavarró, A. (2021). Comprehension of canonical and non-canonical word order in infant Chinese. 9th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition – North America (GALANA-9). University of Iceland. May. 7th-9th.
Zhu, J.T. & Gavarró, A. (2018). Early comprehension of canonical and non-canonical word orders in Mandarin. 43th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 43). Boston University. Nov. 2nd-4th.
Zhu, J.T. & Gavarró, A. (2017). [±Null Topic] parameter in Mandarin-speaking children. I International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics (ICTEAP-1). The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Mar. 10th-12th.
Organització / Organization
29-30 September, 2016 – The Romance Turn VIII. Barcelona: UAB.
El Centre de Lingüística Teòrica (CLT) té per objectiu l’estudi del llenguatge i de les llengües naturals des d’una perspectiva teòrica i experimental.
Centre de Lingüística Teòrica
Edifici B, Campus UAB
08193 Bellaterra (Spain)
Telèfon: (+34) 93 581 23 72
Fax: (+34) 93 5812782