

Professors – investigadors

Becaris i doctorands

Línies d’investigació / Research interests

Bilingual and bidialectal acquisition, language development in typical and atypical populations, language variation, theoretical linguistics

Publicacions recents / Recent publications

Dentella, V., Masullo, C. & Leivada, E. Bilingual disadvantages are systematically compensated by bilingual advantages across tasks and populations. Sci Rep 14, 2107 (2024).

Leivada, E., G. Fritz & V. Dentella. (2024). Reply to Hu et al: Applying different evaluation standards to humans vs. Large Language Models overestimates AI performance. PNAS 121(36), e2406752121. 

Leivada, E., V. Dentella & F. Günther. (2024). Evaluating the languague abilities of humans vs. Large Language Models: Three caveats. Biolinguistics 18, e14391. 

Masullo, C., Casado, A., & Leivada, E. (2024). The role of minority language bilingualism in spotting agreement attraction errors. PLoS ONE, 19(2), e0298648. 

Dentella, V., F. Günther & E. Leivada. (2023). Systematic testing of three Language Models reveals low language accuracy, absence of response stability, and a yes-response bias. PNAS 120(51).

Masullo, C., Dentella, V., & Leivada, E. (2023). 73% of the observed bilingual (dis)advantageous effects on cognition stem from sociolinguistic factors: A systematic review. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1-15.

Leivada, E., Rodríguez-Ordóñez, I., Parafita Couto, M., & Perpiñán, S. (2023). Bilingualism with minority languages: Why searching for unicorn language users does not move us forward. Applied Psycholinguistics, 44(3), 384-399. Article PII S0142716423000036.

Leivada, E. (2023). A Classification Bias and an Exclusion Bias Jointly Overinflated the Estimation of Publication Biases in Bilingualism Research. Behavioral Sciences, 13(10), Article 812.

Leivada, E., Murphy, E., & Marcus, G. (2023). DALL·E 2 fails to reliably capture common syntactic processes. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 8(1), Article 100648.

Mitrofanova, N., Leivada, E., & Westergaard, M. (2023). Crosslinguistic influence in L3 acquisition Evidence from artificial language learning. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 13(5), 717-742.

Evelina Leivada, Vittoria Dentella, Camilla Masullo & Jason Rothman. 2022. On trade-offs in bilingualism and moving beyond the Stacking the Deck fallacy. Bilingualism: Language & Cognition. Online first.

Evelina Leivada. 2022. Determining the cognitive biases behind a viral linguistic universal: The order of multiple adjectives. Nature Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 9, 436.

Elliot Murphy & Evelina Leivada. 2022. A model for learning strings is not a model of language. PNAS 119(23), e2201651119.

Evelina Leivada & Elliot Murphy. 2022. A demonstration of the uncomputability of parametric models of language acquisition and a biologically plausible alternative. Language Development Research 2(1), 105-138.

Evelina Leivada. 2022. Linguistics as science, language as mystery. Inference: International Review of Science 6, 4.

El Centre de Lingüística Teòrica (CLT) té per objectiu l’estudi del llenguatge i de les llengües naturals des d’una perspectiva teòrica i experimental.


Centre de Lingüística Teòrica
Edifici B, Campus UAB
08193 Bellaterra (Spain)

Telèfon: (+34) 93 581 23 72
Fax: (+34) 93 5812782