

Professors – investigadors

Becaris i doctorands

Línies d’investigació / Research interests

Fonètica i fonologia experimentals, Canvi fonètic, Universals fonètics i fonològics
Experimental Phonetics and Phonology, Sound Change, Phonetic and Phonological Universals 

Publicacions recents / Recent publications

For a more thorough list of publications and the corresponding file attachments, see


Recasens, D., & Sánchez‑Miret, F. (2025). An Acoustic Study of Romanian Stressed Vowels with Special Reference to Mid Central [1] and [ә]. Languages, 10(1), 12. 

Recasens D. (2024). Dynamic blending and assimilation in Catalan lingual fricative sequences. An ultrasound and acoustic study. Journal of the International Phonetic Association. Published online 2024:1-30. doi:10.1017/S002510032400001X

Recasens D. (2024). The Effect of Manner of Articulation and Syllable Affiliation on Tongue Configuration for Catalan Stop–Liquid and Liquid–Stop Sequences: An Ultrasound Study. Languages 9(7):233.

Recasens, D. (2023). Consonant-induced sound changes in stressed vowels in Romance: Assimilatory, dissimilatory and diphthongization processes. Sèrie Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, vol. 477. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.

Recasens, D. (2023). Diachronic aspects of stressed schwa. Italian Journal of Linguistics, 35(2). Text complet.

Recasens, D. 2022. Acoustic characteristics and placement within vowel space of full schwa in the world’s languages: A survey. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 52(1), 59-94.

Recasens, D. 2022. Fundamentación articulatoria y aerodinámica de los procesos fonológicos. Las asimilaciones. In B. Blecua, J. Cicres, M. Espejel, & M. Machuca (Eds.), Propuestas de fonética experimental: enfoques metodológicos y nuevas tecnologías (pp. 234-239). Servei Publicacions Universitat de Girona.

Recasens, D. 2021. Processes affecting vowels, Manual of Romance Phonetics and Phonology, (eds.) Gabriel, C., Gess, R. & Meisenburg, T., De Gruyter, pàgines 127-149.

Recasens, D. & Sánchez Miret, F. (eds.). 2021. Sound Change in Romance: Phonetic and Phonological Issues, Lincom Europa, Munic.

‘Acoustic characteristics and placement within vowel space of full schwa in the world’s languages: A survey’. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 1-36. doi:10.1017/S0025100320000122

Phonetic Causes of Sound Change: The Palatalization and Assibilation of Obstruents, Oxford Studies in Diachronic and Historical Linguistics series, Oxford University Press.  

‘Romance palatalizations in light of experimental phonetics’. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics, (eds.) M. Loporcaro & F. Gardani, Oxford University Press.

‘Stressed /e/ centralization and related developments in Catalan and  elsewhere in the Romania’. Transactions of the Philological Society, 117, 294-316.

‘Tipología de mezcla de gestos articulatorios en fonética y fonología’. Loquens, 6 (1).

The Production of Consonant Clusters. Implications for Phonology and Sound Change, Phonology and Phonetics book series, De Gruyter.

‘Coarticulation’. In The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, (ed.) D. Whalen, Oxford University Press.

Fonètica històrica del català, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona.

‘What is and what is not an articulatory gesture’. Gradus. Brazilian Journal  of Laboratory Phonology, 1, 23-42.

‘Stressed vowel inflection by alveolopalatal consonants in Romance’. Journal of Historical Linguistics, 6, 201-246

‘The effect of contextual consonants on voiced stop lenition’. Evidence from Catalan. Language and Speech, 59, 139-161.

Coarticulation and Sound Change in Romance, Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 329, John Benjamins, Amsterdam.

Fonètica i fonologia experimentals del català. Vocals i consonants,  Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona.

El Centre de Lingüística Teòrica (CLT) té per objectiu l’estudi del llenguatge i de les llengües naturals des d’una perspectiva teòrica i experimental.


Centre de Lingüística Teòrica
Edifici B, Campus UAB
08193 Bellaterra (Spain)

Telèfon: (+34) 93 581 23 72
Fax: (+34) 93 5812782