MembersProfessors – investigadors
Becaris i doctorands
Alessandro Bigolin
Departament de Filologia Catalana
Despatx B9/0070
Facultat de Lletres
Edifici B
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
+34 93 581 23 71
+34 93 581 27 82
Correu electrònic
Currículum vitae
Línies d’investigació / Research interests
Morphology | Syntax | Argument Structure | Adpositions | Language Typology
Publicacions recents / Recent publications
Acceptat / To appear
“Slavic creation/consumption predicates in light of Talmy’s typology”. In Berit Gehrke, Denisa Lenertová, Roland Meyer, Daria Seres, Luka Szucsich & Joanna Zaleska (eds.), Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2022. Berlin: Language Science Press.
“Hybrid subjects in Spanish and Catalan: Halfway between agents and patients” (with Josep Ausensi). Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 9(1).
“On the argument structure realization of result verbs: A syntactic approach” (with Josep Ausensi). Acta Linguistica Academica 70(1), 139-160.
“Resultatives and low depictives in English” (with Josep Ausensi). The Linguistic Review 38(4), 573-604.
“A new resultative construction in Spanish? A reply to Rodríguez Arrizabalaga” (with Josep Ausensi). Folia Linguistica 55(2), 517-546.
Comunicacions / Presentations
“A morphosyntactic account of Talmy’s typology: Evidence from Slavic languages and Italian”. Seminar at Centre de Lingüística Teòrica. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. January 20.
“Complex predicates in verb-framed systems. Evidence from Italian verb-particle constructions”. Talk at Going Romance 2022. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. November 30 – December 2.
“A morphosyntactic approach to Talmy’s typology. The case of Italian verb-particle constructions”. Invited talk at Linguistics Fridays. University of Wisconsin-Madison. November 4.
“Slavic creation/consumption predicates in light of Talmy’s typology”. Pre-recorded talk at FDSL 15 – Formal Description of Slavic Languages. Humboldt University of Berlin. October 5 – 7.
“Agentivity as a (syntactically sensitive) conceptual requirement”. Talk at LAGB 2022 – Linguistics Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Ulster University. September 12 – 15.
“Hyponymous arguments”. Seminar at Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. Budapest. February 10.
“Going creative. The licensing of creation/consumption predicates in light of Talmy’s typology”. Seminar at Research Group in Language and Linguistics (ROLLING). Universitat Rovira i Virgili. December 9.
“The licensing of creation/consumption predicates in light of Talmy’s typology. A closer look at weak satellite-framed languages”. Talk at VARINT21 – Workshop on Linguistic Variation at the Interfaces II, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, November 18 – 19.
“Resultatives and low depictives in English. A syntactic approach to the Unique Path Constraint” (with Josep Ausensi). Talk at IWSP 2021 – The International Workshop on Secondary Predication. October 30 – 31.
“Against a lexicalist account of the Argument-Per-Subevent Condition” (with Josep Ausensi). Talk at SLE – 54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. August 30 – September 3.
“The encoding of result in Italian verb-particle constructions”. Talk at mFiL – Manchester Forum In Linguistics. University of Manchester. April 28 – 29.
“The compositional nature of manner and result” (with Josep Ausensi). Poster at WCCFL – West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 39. University of Arizona. April 8 – 11.
“A syntactic approach to the Argument-Per-Subevent Condition” (with Josep Ausensi). Talk at PLC – Penn Linguistics Conference 45. University of Pennsylvania. March 19 – 21.
“Resultatives and low depictives in English: A syntactic approach to the Unique Path Constraint” (with Josep Ausensi). Seminar at Centre de Lingüística Teòrica. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. January 15.
“Italian verb-particle constructions at the lexicon-syntax interface. The expression of resultativity in light of Talmy’s typology”. Seminar at RUESHeL Lab Meeting. Humboldt University of Berlin. November 16.
“Particles and goal of motion events in Italian. Lexicon-syntax interface conditions on the expression of resultativity”. Seminar at Research Group in Language and Linguistics (ROLLING). Universitat Rovira i Virgili. October 26.
“Italian verb-particle constructions and the nature of particles”. EESLiG Workshop – Events and Event Structure at the Limits of Grammar. University of Oxford. September 15 – 16.
“Verb-particle constructions in Talmy’s typology. A syntactic comparison between English and Italian”. mFiL – Manchester Forum In Linguistics. University of Manchester. April 30 – May 1. Cancelled for Covid-19.
“Verb-Particle Constructions and Adjectival Resultatives at the Lexicon-Syntax Interface. Diachronic Comparison between French and Italian”. XLIX Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (Rovira i Virgili University). Tarragona, January 22.
“La sintassi delle costruzioni resultative nella tipologia di Talmy. Studio sul veneto trecentesco di Lio Mazor”. Seminar at the Centro internazionale sul plurilinguismo (University of Udine). October 31.
Treball final de màster / MA Thesis
El Centre de Lingüística Teòrica (CLT) té per objectiu l’estudi del llenguatge i de les llengües naturals des d’una perspectiva teòrica i experimental.
Centre de Lingüística Teòrica
Edifici B, Campus UAB
08193 Bellaterra (Spain)
Telèfon: (+34) 93 581 23 72
Fax: (+34) 93 5812782