Junko Itō & Armin Mester (UC Santa Cruz) – Syntax-Prosody Faithfulness
Seminari del CLT
Syntax-Prosody Faithfulness
Junko Itō & Armin Mester (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Dimarts, 19 de novembre de 2019
Sala d’actes Frederic Udina (B7/1056), 16h
In this talk, we propose to subsume Syntax-Prosody Match Theory under General Correspondence Theory, which distinguishes purely existential MAX/DEP constraints (requiring nothing but the existence of a correspondent in the output/input, which can be rather different from the input element) from IDENT and other faithfulness constraints, Exact correspondence (preservation of edges, no deletion, no insertion, uniqueness of mapping, order preservation, etc.) is enforced by Syntax-Prosody and Prosody-Syntax Alignment and by standard Faithfulness. The empirical topic is the impossibility of phrase-final enclisis in English (*I don’t know where Tom’s vs. Tom’s here) and its proper explanation.