Curs d’estiu a la UPV/EHU
The Linguist’s Workshop: Data, Theory, Experimental Testing
8-9 de juliol, UPV / EHU
Coorganitzat pel CLT
This Course proposal has two objectives. First, it aims at critically reviewing the notion of «parameter» and the formal means by which variation can be accounted for in a biolinguistics framework, understood as the interdisciplinary area defined by the joint contributions of linguistic theory, and advances in biology, the neurosciences, psycholinguistics, computational modeling and genetics. Second, the course presents a comprehensive analysis of the process from data collection to theory formation, and from there to experimental settings for hypothesis testing. In this sense, the course is a practical exercise in scientific research, geared towards masters and doctoral students as well as academic professionals interested in developing their own research project in the experimental area or linguistic documentation more generally. The course is organized on the basis of three basic themes: (i) Language Documentation for Linguistic Theory; (ii) Linguistic Variation and Linguistic Theory; and (iii) Approaching experimental linguistics as a tool for pursuing theoretical questions.