Curs: Advanced Issues in Cognitive Science and Linguistics – Xavier Villalba & Bart Geurts

Advanced Issues in Cognitive Science and Linguistics

Xavier Villalba (UAB):

1. February 19: Basics of formal semantics (background to the pragmatic turn)
2. February 26: Intentional meaning: Marty, Grice, and Relevance Theory
3. March 5: Speech acts: Austin and Searle
4. March 12: A Model for Common ground: Stalnaker
5. March 19: Taking stock: issues in modern pragmatics
De 9:00 a 11:30

All sessions will take place online, from 9 to 11.30h am. If you are interested in attending any, just send a meassage to for obtaining the guest link to the Collaborate session.

Bart Geurts (Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen)

, 23, 24, 25 i 26 de març del 2021
De 9:00 a 11:30

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 828 9130 5316
Passcode: 596208

Normative pragmatics and the evolution of communication

  1. Issues in pragmatics
  2. Normative pragmatics
  3. Common ground, implicatures, sincerity
  4. Evolutionary pragmatics
  5. Folk psychology and mind reading

L'acte s'ha acabat.