Conferències – Masaya Yoshida (Northwestern University), Leticia Pablos (U. Leiden), Irene Areses (UAH)
Conferències – Masaya Yoshida (Northwestern University), Leticia Pablos (U. Leiden), Irene Areses (UAH)
10:00 Irene Areses (UAH)
“Sketch Engine y la investigación lingüística con corpus”.
11:15 Leticia Pablos (U.Leiden)
“Of acceptability judgements and auditory cross-splicing: different ways to test the limita of our linguistic competence”
12:30 Masaya Yoshida (U.Northwestern)
“The structure underlying the ellipsis site: What can studies of online sentence processing tell us about the syntax of ellipsis?”
Dimarts, 31 de maig
Sala de Juntes (B7/025). Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres, UAB