30th Colloquium on Generative Grammar

UAB, June 30 – July 2

The 30th Colloquium on Generative Grammar that should have taken place in Oviedo in May 2020, had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The celebration of the 30th anniversary of the colloquium is a special occasion, and we are happy to finally host it at the Centre de Lingüística Teòrica of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona between June 30thand July 2nd, 2021. We very much hope that, even if on-line, the meeting will represent a fruitful exchange of ideas and an opportunity to meet old friends.
More info

Organising Committee

Eulàlia Bonet
Anna Gavarró (chair)
M.Lluïsa Hernanz
Jaume Mateu
Xavier Villalba

L'acte s'ha acabat.