Barcelona Linguistics HUB
Barcelona Linguistics HUB
22 de gener de 2020
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
With speakers from different research groups from UB, UAB and UPF
Sala de Graus
Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres
Main organizer: Ángel J. Gallego
For decades, Barcelona has been (still is) the focus of much research on Linguistics, up to the point that it can be seen as a “hub” for linguistic events and activities. The goal of this workshop is to create an open forum so that the research groups at Barcelona universities (UB, UAB, UPF) have the possibility to show what they are doing, exchange ideas, ask questions, and so on.
The format of the workshop is intended to be dynamic. Students are given a 20 minute slot (15+5) to give a “microtalk” that should focus on her/his research, which should be further connected to the activity of the relevant group.
10:00 OPENING REMARKS: Á.J.Gallego (UAB)
10:15 Ricardo Etxepare (IKER – CNRS): “Una teoría de la conspiración para la negación de constituyentes (con datos de variedades del español)”
MICROTALKS (15 + 5 each) |
12:00 Alexandra Navarrete (GLIF / UPF): “Information Structure in Catalan Sign Language’” |
12:20 Clara Soberats (Grammar and Cognition Lab / UPF): Linguistic diversity across pathologies. The particular case of referential anchoring in Williams syndrome |
12:40 M.Pilar Colomina (CLT / UAB): Repulsion effects: clitics and subjects |
13:00 LUNCH
MICROTALKS (15 + 5 each) |
15:30 Alexandre Celma (Álex project / UB): “Visual recursion without linguistic recursion: a case report” |
15:50 Laura Aina (COLT / UPF): “Word comprehension through lexical and expected information: towards a computational model” |
16:10 Jesús Bach (Grup d’Estudi de la Variació Dialectal / UB): “Aprenentatge del català com a L2/LE: cos, prosòdia, segments” |
MICROTALKS (15 + 5 each) |
17:00 Rut Benito & Núria de Rocafiguera (ALLENCAM / UPF): “Processament del marcatge diferencial d’objecte i dels subjectes pronominals a través dels moviments oculars (eyetracking)” |
17:20 Maria Bañeras & Irene Fernández-Serrano (CLT / UAB): “20min para salvar la Tierra: un proyecto de dialectometría gamificado” |
17:40 Francesc Reina (GRIAL / UB): “Aprendizaje automático, entropía y significado: la gramática de las preposiciones en español” |
18:00 Andrea Ariño (Psylex / U. Zaragoza): “La investigación y divulgación lingüística del Psylex Lab” |