Workshop venue

Barcelona | September 14-16, 2009

The workshop CONVERGING LINGUISTICS AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE: NOMINAL SYSTEMS ACROSS LANGUAGES is organized jointly by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Centre de Lingüística Teòrica) and by the University of Stuttgart (Institut für Linguistik).

The workshop will take place at the Residència d’Investigadors (Residence for Researchers), in the heart of Ciutat Vella, Barcelona (c/ Hospital, 64 — 08001 Barcelona).

All sessions will be held at the amphitheater:



How to get there


Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaCentre de Lingüística TeòricaMinisterio de ciencia e innovacionagaur
Universität StuttgartInstitut für Linguistik/GermanistikIncremental Specification in Progress
DFG Fritz Thyssen StiftungWolkswagen StiftungNereus Research Network