Converging Linguistics and Cognitive Science: Nominal Systems across Languages


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Barcelona | September 14-16, 2009

This workshop aims at understanding linguistic variation of nominal systems across several languages, bringing together syntacticians and semanticists. The novelty of the workshop is to explore noun phrases, their structure and interpretation, from a comparative-syntax perspective and a formal semantics approach. Special attention will be devoted to microvariation effects on the expression of "number" and "definiteness".

The workshop will explore three different and related topics to be analysed in order to achieve a broad crosslinguistic understanding of nominal systems in natural languages, both from a morphosyntactic and a semantic perspective.


The workshop

Co-organized by:

M.Teresa Espinal
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)


Klaus von Heusinger (Universtät Stuttgart)


The workshop will be hosted by the

Centre de Lingüística Teòrica

of the

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


The attendance at the workshop is by invitation

Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaCentre de Lingüística TeòricaMinisterio de ciencia e innovacionagaur
Universität StuttgartInstitut für Linguistik/GermanistikIncremental Specification in Progress
DFG Fritz Thyssen StiftungWolkswagen StiftungNereus Research Network