Report de recerca GGT-05-08

Intonation contours and speech files
A typological approach to Catalan interrogative sentences headed by que

Gemma Rigau (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Pilar Prieto (ICREA- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)


3.1. Neutral polar questions in Central Catalan

(20) Falling pattern

que l’heu llogada-falling.wav


(21) Rising pattern

l’heu llogada-rising.wav


3.2. Neutral polar questions in Balearic Catalan

(30) Majorcan Catalan

que l’heu llogada-mallorquí.wav


(31) Minorcan Catalan

que l’heu llogada-menorquí.wav


5.1. Confirmatory questions

(42) Confirmatory headed by que

que no volies un collaret-falling.wav


(43) Confirmatory not headed by que

no volies un collaret-rising.wav


5.2. Anti-expectative questions

(45) Anti-expectative headed by que

que us en aneu-falling.wav


(46) Anti-expectative not headed by que

us en aneu-antiexpect.wav


(52) Anti-expectative question headed by o (Minorcan)

o vindràs a Barcelona-Minorcan.wav


(54) Anti-expectative question headed by o (Majorcan)

o no estàs bo-Majorcan.wav


5.5. Exploratory questions

(63) Exploratory question (Central Catalan)

que no sé que us voleu escapar.wav


6.1. Echo questions

(65) Echo question (Central Catalan)


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